Hugo Sebastian Hirsch Encourages Realtors to Take a Creative Approach to Listings

The goal of any real estate listing is to provide prospective buyers with the information necessary to make the right decision. While the goal is to inform, Hugo Sebastian Hirsch believes that many realtors miss out on an opportunity to access their creative side in these listings. According to Hirsch, such an approach to writing a real estate listing is not only more entertaining for both the agent and the prospective buyer, but it also increases the likelihood of pairing the right buyer with the right home.

Of course, Hirsch emphasizes that accuracy is the most important facet of any real estate listing, but that does not mean that this information cannot be relayed in a manner that elicits a few laughs and entertains prospective buyers who have very likely encountered listings that all begin to sound exactly the same, with many reaching a point in which it is hard to understand how one property differs from another.

“The benefit of adopting a creative approach is that it helps a listing stand out in the eyes of potential homebuyers,” says Hirsch. “A homebuyer may look at over a hundred listings or more in a single weekend, so it is imperative that agents create a listing that will be memorable to prospective buyers when they attempt to narrow their choices down later on. A creatively written listing will not get someone to buy a house that does not suit their needs, but it will ensure that a suitable listing is not overlooked or forgotten.”

Hirsch suggests that realtors attempt to inject some of their personality into the listing so that potential clients can become a bit more familiar with the person they may be dealing with throughout the process of selecting a home. When a sense of familiarity is established, it makes clients feel more comfortable and helps make it more likely that clients will want to see what else the agent has to offer in terms of properties.

“Homebuyers want to feel assured that their agent has their best interests in mind, so an agent should try to make it so their listings introduce potential clients not just to the homes that are available, but also to the person who is selling those homes,” says Hirsch. “A creative and fun approach to real estate listings can help homeowners feel more at ease throughout the whole process.”